Architectural Delight: Setre Marina Biwakō Hotel

To celebrate our 1 year anniversary, we escaped the hustle and bustle of Osaka
 and took a little vacation to the lakeside of Lake Biwa.
We stayed at the Setre Marina Biwakō Hotel and could not be happier!
 If you love architecture, reading, and just enjoying nature while relaxing,
 I couldn't recommend a better place.

From the window we watched fishermen and listened to the shrill cry of seabirds.

Simple modern lines.
Interesting windows in the hallway.

At sunset, we climbed to the roof terrace to watch the sunset.
Champagne and sunset.
The hotel has a library of books hand picked by a "book connoisseur."
 I didn't know book connoisseurs existed. Can I be a book connoisseur? Sounds fancy.
Feeling fancy.
Concrete magic.
So the drinks are all inclusive and there is a cool lounge to lounge around in.
Kaz (ever so dapper) is lounging while introspectively viewing the lake.
Why can't I live here forever??
Breakfast, so ono.
The place also has a wedding hall and wedding services, which seem very lovely.
Then suddenly, it was check out time and we returned to the busy, noisy city.
Ughhh, I wish I could live here forever.
Can I at least get a personal book connoisseur?


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